What should you do if you work sedentary so you don’t get chronic pain?

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I’m pleased with your assiduity: when it’s necessary, you sit down and work from start to finish. But people who are assiduous face such diseases of the century as spondylosis and osteochondrosis. Cervical osteochondrosis is especially unpleasant. Why have they become so common these days? Because the mass of people actually spend a third of their lives in a chair, especially if work is sedentary. And after work, perhaps, two or three hours of sitting accumulates: you can’t tear yourself away from the television, or read, or spend time in social networks.

If you work sitting down…

…you have to straighten your back and put your torso in an upright position. Your back muscles may be very tired at first, but you have to get past that. It is better to use the back of the chair, pressed to it with the whole back. Arms on the table so that they take some of the gravity of the body and prevent excessive leaning forward. Do not lean your head forward unnecessarily either. Do not allow twisting of the spine and its lateral bends.

In general, as it seems to me, when reading it is better to take a favorite pose of Americans: to lean back on a chair or a sofa and to put legs on the neighboring chair, it is even possible a little bit higher than your head. This position is good for your head, your spine, and your legs. Americans are not only relaxed but also pragmatic. I also see in this kind of posture a subconscious concern for their health, which they see as a tool for achieving life goals.

минусы сидячей работы за компьютером

Regular breaks will spare the development of chronic diseases

Take every opportunity to get up, take a few steps, stretch a little, straighten your shoulders. After an hour of continuous sitting, a 5-minute break is a must. During this time, you should use your fingers to knead the muscles in your neck and upper shoulders. You can ask someone to give you a little massage, but you can do it yourself. Alternate elements of such self-massage with raising and lowering the shoulders, as well as their rotation.

In order not to be sick, to have a better blood supply to the brain, not to have a nasty double chin, and it happens even in thin girls, do not be lazy to make a few simple exercises.

  1. Turn your head alternately to the right and left and touch your chin to your shoulder.
  2. Tilt your head forward, lift it up and slowly tilt it back, bringing your chin forward.
  3. Alternately tilt your head to the sides, trying to touch the ear to the shoulder.
  4. Make several circular movements with your head, first in one side and then the other.
  5. Put your hands on the back of the head and try to move your head backward.
  6. Put your palms together on the forehead, resisting the forward movement of the head and chin. Spread your elbows out to the sides.

что делать при сидячей работе для спины

Mini-chair charger

These exercises are few, as you can see, but they have a great effect. Let’s try to “make lemonade out of our lemons,” as Dale Carnegie teaches, Remember? Use what we have. Are you sitting in a chair? Without leaving your seat, you can do a little exercise to avoid fatigue.

  • Exercise 1. Starting position is sitting on a chair, back straight. The same starting position is in the following exercises. Put your hands on the arms of the chair (or on your hips), Tilt your head to the left, close your eyes, deflecting your head back, make a half-turn counterclockwise and back. Lift your head and open your eyes. Do the same with the head tilted to the right, and half a turn in a clockwise direction. Repeat three or four times.
  • Exercise 2. Put your palms behind you on the chair. Resting your hands, gently push your body forward, and then sag. Return to the starting position. Do the exercise 3-4 times, bending more and more with each time.
  • Exercise 3. Body rolls. Very simple. Turn to both sides of the chair, grasp the back of the chair with both hands. Sit in that position for a while. Anything crunchy? Nothing. Then it’s straightened.
  • Exercise 4. Hands on your hips. Bend to the sides. Lift the right shoulder, lower the left, bend the spine to the left. Do the same in the other side. Do the exercise three or four times to each side.

мини зарядка при сидячей работе

  • Exercise 5. Grab the left elbow with the right hand, press it to the chest and stretch slightly to the right with a slight turn of the torso to the right. Do the same with the other hand. Repeat it 2-3 times.
  • Exercise 6: feet rest on the floor with the bottom surface of the foot. Shin splint effort pull the toe toward you, and then relax your foot. Do the same with the other leg. Do the exercise 3-4 times with each leg.
  • Exercise 7. Raise your foot and make circular movements of the foot 3-4 times to each side. Do the same with the other leg.
  • Exercise 8: You can’t even call it an exercise. You should sit close to the back of the chair, spine straight, hands on your hips, lean on the back, relax and sit without thinking about anything for 30-40 seconds.

Don’t forget to stretch well from time to time, thus triggering powerful impulse flows from the tense large muscles. And the feeling of heaviness in the head can be relieved by pressing on the crown of the head along the midline, on the temples and the carotid artery area. This should be done quickly and intermittently.

Ask your question in comments and I will answer you! And be sure to watch the video!

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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