Peculiarities of the female monthly cycle in girls

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The transition to a maiden state is marked by another “innovation. On one day, girls suddenly become solemnly silent, and adults are especially attentive to them: “the daughter has become a girl. The day when the monthly cycle begins in girls, in families meet in different ways: some mothers arrange a celebratory dinner at home, while others tell everyone and everything about it. I think both are extreme. Menstruation is a strictly intimate affair. Although you can understand the inner pride of a girl, becoming a girl and realizing her femininity.

What is a period

We will not dwell at length on physiology. Let’s just note that, as they say in medical books, menstruation is the periodic (once a month) appearance of bloody discharge from the external female genitalia.

Menstruation is associated with the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. The uterus at this time is swollen, its blood vessels are expanding, the mucous membrane of the uterus is 2-3 times thicker. It is a preparation for receiving a fertilized egg. If fertilization (which leads, as you know, to pregnancy and then to childbirth) does not happen (it’s a little early for you, isn’t it?), the lining of the uterus is not needed, and it comes out in the form of blood and small pieces of mucus.

Что такое месячные

When they begin

Remember when you were twelve years old and you started worrying about not getting your period? I told you it was too early. But you weren’t convinced by my arguments. We even went to a woman’s doctor. They examined you and told you that everything was fine and that you had to wait a little while.

“If the girl is really worried,” said the doctor, “let her take vitamin E after thirteen. I don’t know if the vitamin worked or if it was just the right time, but right after thirteen the problem disappeared. The time of the beginning of these “affairs” varies – from ten to eighteen. But if you don’t have them at 17, you need to see a doctor.

Color and abundance

Some girls, especially if they have not been talked to and not prepared psychologically for the changes of age, are frightened when they see blood stains on their panties. And they are puzzled by the fact that its color for some reason not red, and brown. It happens at first. Then everything will settle down and get better.

Periodicity of a cycle will become 21-24, 25-28, 29-32 days (the cycle counts from the first day of one menstruation to the first day of the next one).

You may have a lot of blood in one month, then a little. In the end the body will adjust and you will see when bleeding is the heaviest. Some people have it on the first day, others on the second day. Then it decreases and lasts only three to five days.

Цвет и обильность месячных

It is believed that the more a woman or girl drinks fluids, the more abundant the blood is secreted. So, if you want your “affairs” to be over sooner and not too abundant, drink less on such days. Also, be sure to keep a calendar, noting the days of menstruation. Then, counting the gaps, you will know the duration of your cycle. Later, when you become a woman, it’s just necessary to know. Okay, okay, I won’t…

How to wash laundry correctly

You say you know about personal hygiene as it is. That’s right, it’s for your health and so you don’t smell. But for some reason you don’t wash your panties right. If they happen to get dirty, don’t let the blood dry. Stale stains are harder to get out. Then it is better to use a detergent with special bio-additives. It is easier to wash the stain immediately with cold water: first without soap and then with soap.

Disease prevention

On such days, it is especially necessary to take care not to overcool yourself. This is very important for women in general. I understand you want to be graceful, but you have to wear warm tights. It’s winter!

If you knew how many women suffer because of various gynecological diseases! The diseases take a long time to heal, and the consequences can be most unexpected. The worst is infertility. You don’t know how bad it is… Fortunately, fashion is now tolerant of different styles and lengths. And how many unhappy patients there were in my youth, in gynecology departments of hospitals, who suffered because of their adherence to fashion: short skirts and tight jeans with jackets to the waist. Fashion comes to us from Europe. But it’s not our winters.

How to relieve pain during your period

Some people have painful periods. But not many people do. You can ask your doctor for advice. Sometimes you can relieve the pain yourself. Warmth is known to relax the muscles and can relieve pain. Therefore, you can put a warm heating pad on your abdomen for a while. For a short time, because the bleeding can get worse. Sometimes a cup of hot tea will ease the pain. You can rub or massage your abdomen, but not too much.

Как убрать боль во время месячных

How to get rid of a bad mood

But it’s not just pain that accompanies us on such days. The biggest problem is a ruined mood. But knowing this, one should not be unraveled. I used to be irritable in the days before and during menstruation to the point of gloominess and even tearfulness. Now I just don’t have time for that.

Physical activity during menstruation

Menstruation! They don’t let go of almost all of our countrywomen. Amazing! In the wild tribes, the woman is exempt from public works during this period. She rests, she is even treated less. After the bleeding is over, she is washed and goes back to her normal activities.

What about the wild tribes: we once dazedly read an essay by one of our journalists about his stay in a developed Western country. When he went to a certain office to get the necessary document, the clerk who was supposed to help him with it was not present.

When asked where she was and what was wrong with her, he was repeated several times: “Madam is a woman. It took our man a long time to figure out what was going on. Finally, he was told “in plain words” that Madame would not be at work that day because she was menstruating. What was it like? Relieved on such an occasion? We wouldn’t understand it.

How many years our women have been fighting for the opportunity to get an exemption for these hard days, because some are having a very hard time. Nothing! What kind of exemption can there be? We have equal rights: carry boxes and packages of water if you work in a store.

It is against woman’s nature to carry heavy things. Because of this can happen “lowering of the insides,” as our grandmother says. She’d seen enough of women’s breakdowns during the war. How many were childless because of it. You’ll have to have a baby, too. And your parents want healthy grandchildren and joyful motherhood. Now, you don’t have to overstretch yourself during these days. The school is very understanding: the medical office will not refuse to give you a certificate exempting you from gymnastics. Thank you for that.

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