6 ingredients for masks that destroy your skin

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At-home facial masks are not an alternative to going to the salon, but only complement it. But are they always properly prepared? In this article we will talk about what is categorically unsuitable as ingredients for facial care, and what should not be used in a mask.

#1 Baking soda


Soda is a pure alkali. The human body is constantly oxidized due to different diets, in turn the skin is always in an alkaline environment. Such an ingredient as baking soda only deprives the epidermis of its protective barrier, and it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

No. 2 Toothpaste

зубная паста

This ingredient is contraindicated for masks, but it is often used to cauterize all kinds of pimples. But it is not so safe if the paste has a bleaching component, which can easily burn your skin. This is due to the fact that the paste destroys the lipids that are in the cells, which contributes to its dehydration. And to eliminate acne, tea tree oil is better suited.

#3 Vaseline


There is a great deal of controversy about this ingredient, because its properties are contradictory. If you use petroleum jelly frequently, this product will only help to moisturize and smooth the skin. But if you use it too often, the ointment will only clog pores and lead to the multiplication of microbes. And your face will look greasy and dirty.

#4 Lemon


Everyone knows citric acid. It can even destroy tooth enamel. For the skin it is too harmful and can cause pigmentation. When using lemon juice, you only need to take a few drops of it, supplemented with other ingredients.

#5 Hydrogen peroxide
перекись водорода

This disinfectant is suitable for treating wounds, but it is not suitable for use on the entire surface of the face. This is because peroxide only stresses the skin, it accelerates the production of free radicals, which in turn are responsible for cell aging.

No. 6 Alcohol


Many people know from experience that alcohol should not be used for facials. However, everyone knows it and everyone uses it. And it, in turn, affects the lipids in the skin cells and destroys their shell. Dead cells after using alcohol can not be exfoliated, as they adhere to the outer layer of the skin, because of which the complexion becomes dull and takes on a greenish tint.

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Автор Наталья Кучеренко

Эксперт Ladyteka. Специалист женской психологии, эксперт саморазвития и улучшения семейных отношений. Заместитель председателя лиги сильных женщин, сооснователь академии семейной психологии "Доверие". Ведущий эксперт радиопрограммы "Женщина и движение вперед" на RocketsFM. Автор серии научных статей и тезисов по психологии в журнале "Научный вестник Европы". Ранее вела прием в психотерапевтическом кабинете г. Тулы. В своей работе использовала научный подход к решению семейных и личностных проблем, опираясь на опыт мировых ученых-психологов. Провела 5970 часов сеансов семейной терапии и помогла 2000+ семейным парам решить проблемы.

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