A good mistress and smooth heels: the secrets of foot care

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No matter how thin or full, whether you like them or not, you have to take care of them all the time. In the morning and before going to bed, wash them with warm water and soap. Especially important at the end of the day. It is believed that water washes away not only dirt, tiredness, but also fragments of alien, not always good biofields, and also levels the flow of energy in six energy channels running out and starting at the feet – the urinary bladder, kidneys, spleen and pancreas, liver, gallbladder of the stomach. You can lubricate your feet with a special foot cream. If there is no cream, you can use vegetable oil or vitamin E solution.

Foot Care

The feet should be well groomed. Not without reason they say: “A good mistress and smooth heels. You can get a pedicure yourself. The procedure is repeated every 10-12 days and usually takes three-quarters of an hour. She needs: a towel, a stiff brush for the nails, a pumice stone, a basin with warm soapy water, a file, tweezers, a smooth wooden stick with a cone-shaped end, nourishing cream, nail polish and nail polish remover.

After removing the old layer of nail polish, you should steep your feet in water with soap or soda solution, or alternatively in an infusion of chamomile, mint, marigold, or mugwort. Remove rough skin with a pumice stone, trim the nails. Cut them straight, without rounding the edges (in a rounded shape nails can ingrow into the skin). The edges of the nails are filed keeping a straight line. The file should be moved in one direction, not back and forth. After you’ve soaked your feet in water for about 10 minutes, rubbed soles and fingers with a brush, then you need to smear the skin around the nails with nourishing cream and gently move it away with a wooden stick wrapped in absorbent cotton. Thickening of the skin is cut with special tongs, also carefully. Wash your feet, wipe them dry and massage each toe individually.

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In summer, especially with open shoes, neat nails covered with nail polish look good. It is better to take not a very bright color. To avoid getting nail polish on your toes, put pieces of absorbent cotton between them. Paint the nail polish twice. Clean the skin around the nails immediately with a stick wrapped in absorbent cotton soaked in nail polish remover.

What should I do if my heels are cracking and my feet are sweating?

In summer, the heels sometimes become rough and cracked, especially if you relax by the water. Then daily at night you should make baking soda baths, and then gently remove the dead skin with a pumice stone, lubricate the heels with foot cream or drugstore ointment. You can put mashed onions on your heels overnight. In the morning, rinse it off, clean the heels with a pumice stone and again – fat cream. Usually enough for 2-3 procedures.

If the feet sweat heavily, we recommend baths with decoctions of willow bark, oak, and horsetail (the water should be the color of the sleeping tea). You can take an infusion of nettle and sage (50 – 100 grams of mixture for 3-5 liters of water). Table salt gives a good effect: throw two handfuls in a bowl of water and hold your feet in the solution for 10 minutes, then sprinkle with talcum powder or lubricate the foot cream. Instead of salt, you can pour 1 cup of table vinegar into the basin.

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Biologically active points of the foot

In ancient times, in many countries, servants would “scratch the heels” of their masters as they settled down to sleep. The ancients were very wise and knew many things that seem surprising to us, the people of the XXI century. For example, it has long been known that human internal organs are “projected”, i.e. connected by nerve fibers with three “regions”. These are the feet, hands and ears.

For example, here is a diagram of the location of biologically active points of the foot. By pressing on them while walking, you can relieve pain and have a therapeutic effect on certain organs. You do not even have a disease yet. But as a preventive measure, walk barefoot more often. Especially in summer – on sand, pebbles, grass… And in winter at the apartment, when some people walk in felt boots because of insufficient heating? You can put in the bathroom an ordinary mat with nubbins, which is usually put in front of the front door to clean shoes. In the morning, regularly, washing your face, stomp on it. You will see how immediately the feeling of vivacity comes after sleep, how instantly all the organs, ready for mental and physical work, turn on.

Tibetan massage will improve your well-being in a few minutes

Similar patterns could be drawn for the hand and ear. But I’d rather tell you right away a few techniques with which you can improve your general condition and mood. For example, here is one from Tibetan temple massage. And there’s no need to undress at all. I’ll show you something that doesn’t require much preparation, which you can do in your spare minutes or hours (standing in line or sitting at a boring lecture).

Rub your hands well until your palms are hot. Then use three fingers of one hand to take the thumb of the other and rotate it clockwise at each joint. Careful, careful not to twist it at all. Rotate each of your fingers in this way for a minute. Now massage each one by pressing it sideways with two fingers of the other hand. The force of the pressure should be decent, about 5-10 kilograms.

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Do you know where the “vital point” is located? It is in the crease in the back of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Press it with the thumb of your other hand, hold it in place with your index finger, and massage it clockwise for a minute or two. The same point is on the inside of the elbow bend. It is massaged in the same way.

You can see that paying attention to your hands is not just about the color of your nail polish. The energy channels that regulate the heart, lungs, circulation of blood, heat, large and small intestine begin and end at the finger nails. Harmonization of their work is very important.

That’s why I ask you: when you sit in front of the TV, massage your fingers. And in the morning, when washing your face, wash your ears with cool water (your hair must be tied up, otherwise it will be dry for a long time), and then rub them well with a towel. According to Eastern medicine, there are a lot of active points concentrated on the auricle (I saw a diagram in the acupuncture office – there are a lot of them, all called in Chinese…), which influence the energy of almost all organs of the body.

Massage of the auricles is regarded by Eastern healers as a general restorative method. Therefore, when washing, do not forget to wash your ears and rub them well with a towel.

Ask your question in comments and I will answer you! And also watch a really useful video below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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