Unwanted pregnancy of a teenager. What to do and who to turn to?

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What if it is an unwanted pregnancy? What then? To give birth or not to give birth? The girl, due to her inexperience, does not realize at first that she is pregnant, but then she realizes that there is someone in her belly. But is she ready to give birth to a child? If my arguments don’t convince you, let one of the “little mothers” tell you about her experiences.

Pregnancy at 15

“… He had just come out of the army, and of course it was cool for me to go out with a grown-up like that. It wasn’t that I fell in love with him, but to tell him at school that my boyfriend was 22 was to become such a “queen” that I couldn’t help it! And I started sleeping with him because everyone in my class was a virgin. This is my misfortune – when there are no talents, and want to be better than everyone else, you do such a stupid thing. And then I was so ashamed. I never finished high school. And when? The wedding is urgent. We got on each other’s nerves back then – a nightmare. I feel bad and he doesn’t care, go ahead and cook dinner. Money is scarce. And then. And now. The baby is very expensive. I haven’t gotten a single new rag in a year.

They say and they show it in movies: a baby is born, and the mother immediately says, “Oh, you’re so little, and I already love you so much!” Yes, I do!

First of all, everyone gets really depressed after childbirth. I personally felt nothing but pity, mostly for myself. And if you think about it, what kind of love can there be when you haven’t seen anything good from him. Then I feel nauseous, or my blood pressure drops, or I get dropsy, or I get poked in the ribs so hard that it makes my eyes darken. I got such varicose veins that I had to have surgery, and then the veins popped up in other places. Beautiful! And about my teeth and breasts I will not even say a word. In short, he took all my health. What is love for – nine months you walk around like a fool, and then another whole day in pain. Love, they say, comes much later.

что делать если забеременела в 15

This mom is 16 years old. Her son is one and a half years old.

What are the dangers of early birth?

Childbirth before the age of 19 is generally undesirable. Early birth has an adverse effect on the young, immature mother’s body, as well as on the health of the child. Americans give statistics: children born to mothers under the age of 20 die in infancy twice as often as children born to mothers whose age exceeds this threshold. Even if the accelerator is so advanced that the child is quite healthy from birth, is the young mother socially ready to be a support for him, to raise him? What about daddy? Or the grandparents? Would they agree? I, for one, would not.

Awareness of real consequences

The birth and upbringing of a child is an important life accomplishment for every woman. Her own. In the meantime, you must prepare yourself first of all to become an independent adult. You should have your own family. And the father of the child should not feel as if he was “married” because he had to. More often than not, he will then strive by all means to free himself. You should have enough money to raise your child. Everything costs so much these days! You can’t imagine that having a child is a change in a woman’s lot. After all, a woman is constantly chained to a being who is totally dependent on her.

Some girls believe that this is almost like a toy – with her to play with, put in bed and you can go about their business. Oh, no! About his personal affairs, not to mention the professional growth and study, for years to forget. The baby will take all the time and all the money of his young parents. It is not excluded that the young father and mother will hate their “unexpected work”. Revenge on a defenseless creature is repulsive. Is it the baby’s fault?

If a girl is left alone, it’s very hard to hope that there will be a guy willing to put his shoulder under her burden. There are so many free beauties flitting around. Why does he need other people’s diapers and snotty noses? Especially if the father himself runs away? No, you have to be a person. Be able to earn a living for yourself and, if it happens in the more distant future, for the child. But all in good time.

минусы ранней беременности

Early signs of pregnancy

If you have sex, you should know that you have to pay the price. Your carelessness may be the cause of an unwanted pregnancy. After one of your intimate dates, you may notice signs of pregnancy. These include not only delayed periods or scanty periods. Some women’s periods continue even during pregnancy, and then the doctor reports that they are already in their third or fourth month. When the restructuring of the female body begins to carry a baby, her breasts swell, there are changes in appetite and mood. You constantly want to eat, then disgusted to look at food. Or you have cravings for something salty, sour, etc. And the mood is spoiled by irritability and fatigue. In addition, nausea…

Don’t be flippant in this situation either, thinking, “Ah, it’ll pass!” In nine months? And what will you do with the one who “will come”?

A visit to the gynecologist

You are an adult, of course. But even adults often need the advice and participation of someone close to them. Don’t hide from everyone, ask your loved ones for advice. To get out of your predicament with as little loss as possible, you should first consult a doctor. Maybe there is nothing there. It happens that way, too. Recently, a girl under 15 can go to the gynecologist without her mother. This used to require such a presence. But even if complacency at the local level, that is, in a clinic or clinic, will prevail, it is better to endure the possible trouble with the parents, than to endure health problems throughout life.

посещение гинеколога в подростковом возрасте 

Abortion and mini-abortion

Why the health problems? Because the consequences of abortion are often very unfavorable. They can be reduced by having it done as early as possible. For example, if your period is up to 20 days late. Then a so-called mini-abortion is done. The percentage of complications after it is low, traumatism, too. In short, the least damage to health. At this stage of pregnancy, there are no serious hormonal changes in the body, and abortion is less dangerous than at a later stage.

What is a mini-abortion? It is a vacuum suction. It is performed by a doctor in a hospital. Now the necessary equipment is available in many large antenatal clinics. Some women prefer to pay money for a similar procedure in a commercial medical facility. However, as medical professionals testify, almost every second woman has to go to a regular hospital for a second cleaning. The essence of the operation is that the doctor inserts a small tube into the uterus, which is attached to a suction mechanism. The procedure lasts about 10 minutes. You have to endure unpleasant feelings. Then you have to sit in the hallway for about half an hour – to recuperate. Then you can go home. You don’t need to be hospitalized.

You will need to go to the hospital if you are over 20 days old. Then you have to go to hospital only! By no means underground!

Read Stefan Zweig’s short story “Amok. Passion is passionate, but the basis was criminal abortion. Not to mention the lifelong disfigurement, the life itself could be kissed goodbye!

что такое аборт и мини-аборт

The atmosphere of the “free health care” facility is far from fabulous and even quite tolerable. But even from there it is not necessary to run straight home. In fact, there are three days for such cases. Even if not three days, you still need to lie down. Let the doctor take your blood pressure, listen to the heart, to see if there is excessive bleeding, if there are no other complications. If you can get a car to take you home, where you will lie in bed and lie down for the necessary three days, you can go. If you have to travel for two hours in a crowded public transport, then walk another three kilometers, and at home immediately to start washing floors, you can call an ambulance and let them take you back. There is a huge chance of severe uterine bleeding.

You should also immediately consult a doctor if after an abortion suddenly increases in temperature, chills or fever. Signals of danger are sharp pain and bleeding more profuse than normal menstruation. Even signs of pregnancy may continue. Or there may be vaginal discharge with a pungent odor.

If you need help – write in comments, we will think together how to solve your problem. Also be sure to watch the video below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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