What is called love, and how to recognize true feelings?

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For example, the Austrian physiologist Gerhard Krombach believes that love is just chemistry. This enzyme, consisting of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, is produced in the human brain and, according to Dr. Krombach, is directly related to the experience of love. The chemical formula for love is C8H11N. This is what chemists call love. In an ancient Indian book, The Peach Branch, it says about the “love formula”: “The attraction of souls gives birth to friendship. The attraction of minds gives birth to respect. The attraction of bodies gives birth to desire. The union of the three attractions gives birth to Love.” I have my own formula, according to which love is when the time you think of him is greater than the time you think of yourself.

How does love affect our bodies?

There is a paradox in connection with the last formula. Although you seem to love someone else, you become healthier yourself. It has been found that people in love are much less likely to seek medical care even in the midst of a flu epidemic. The fact is that the emotional high promotes the release of cortisone, a hormone with a strong anti-inflammatory effect. And endorphin, which is produced in a state of love, acts as a painkiller.

They say that love can even be a cure for memory!

What is love, according to the astrologer?

A few years ago, I came across an article by astrologer V. Babenko in which he spoke of love as radiation of energy. It is quite curious: all kinds of radiations come to the human body from the Universe. They are transformed in it and return back. Coming out of the organism, these rays cause various kinds of biochemical processes in those organisms with which they interact. The processes may be destructive or constructive, i.e. they may be in phase or in antiphase.

влияние любви на организм

Some observant people notice the influence of others on them without even making verbal contact with them. A subconscious sense of sympathy or antipathy tells us how the other person treats us. Or, as the astrologer says, in phase or in antiphase are the radiations of our body in relation to the radiations of his body.

Love, the expert in “celestial science” continues, strengthens the relationship of the body with the energy sources in the solar system. You could say it gives an additional recharge.

It is possible, however, that radiation can happen in antiphase. Then the effect will be the opposite – frayed nerves, personal misfortune. Keeping this in mind, one should not be in a hurry. Previously, the custom of engagement helped (in our time registry offices also endure about a month probation, I do not know how much or little). During the time before the wedding, the young people’s bodies sensed whether they were in phase or anti-phase. These pulses are independent of appearance or age. This is how one can explain the so-called strange unions, when a beautiful woman marries a man of very unremarkable appearance or when there is a big difference in age between the spouses.

The Mystique of Amorous Affairs

Other researchers have found that every person is surrounded by a bioenergetic aura field, its properties depend on the energetic, psychological and physical features of the person. The more compatible auras of two people are, the greater mutual attraction they experience. And in case of full coincidence there is love at first sight. However, the feeling of love increases imperceptibly and gradually. Until one day the person suddenly discovers that he is in love. Of course, initially, when he chooses the object of increased attention, other considerations may play a role, particularly mercantile (that is pursuing personal financial gain). But it is still based on unconscious attraction, if it is true love and not lust.

почему любовь это мистика

In general, mysticism and materialism mix like nowhere else in the amorous problem. As one song sings, “Love is the most wonderful miracle. Love is the most secret mystery.” But whether it’s an enzyme or a radiation or just a “phase-shift,” love is wonderful: life is unspeakably transformed with it. Especially in our difficult time: the only thing left is to fall in love! And even if there is no reason to sigh heavily about life’s misfortunes, and we are proud of who we are, still, if there is no love, we long fervently for it to come. Otherwise, life seems incomplete.

Fear of love leads to loneliness

One day in a heart-to-heart conversation, an old man complained to me. He had everything: position, honors, awards, money, friends… He had a lot of women in his life. But by the end of his life he realized that there was no Beloved Woman… Strangely, I knew that my interlocutor at the time enjoyed universal sympathy, including female sympathy. The ladies did not refuse him. And yet, it would seem, the fortunate ladies’ man was afraid… …of love. He was afraid that his sincere feeling would be insulted, and so he always slightly mocked women. And it turned out that life made fun of him.

почему не нужно бояться любить 

And he was not the only one who had a fear of love. After all, when a person falls in love, he or she takes a certain risk: he or she must open up, trust the other. What if rejection happens? What if it happens to be wrong in his or her own and someone else’s feelings? No one is immune to mistakes. Love at first sight is still a rare thing. So you’ll have time to think, to observe, if, of course, will not be in a hurry. Take your advice. But not with your friends. I don’t believe in female friendship. Especially in matters of the heart, the eternal female rivalry can manifest itself, even involuntarily.

As happened, for example, with a friend of ours. Her fiancé liked her friend so much that she insistently began to offer to “swap” her suitors and went so far as to incriminate the man she wanted to have.

I wish you had come to your mother for advice. However, I understand that everyone should have their own “sovereign territory” in the soul, where even the closest people are not allowed to go. Look for the answer in the pages of good, clever books.

Ask me your question in comments and I’ll answer you! And also watch a very useful video!

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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