The most common causes of health problems in a teenager

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If there is a spot on the skin, a wart, you need to take it seriously, especially if the place is itchy or otherwise unpleasant, and the color alternates between black and brown hues. Consider the most likely causes of health problems in a teenager and when you should not put off going to the doctor for a long time.

The first signs of melanoma

Even against the background of our seemingly harmless moles, a particularly dangerous cancerous neoplasm, melanoma, can develop. It can develop over many years – from 5 to 50. Recently it has been proved that ultraviolet light accumulates during life, which subsequently leads to serious illness. And getting rid of what has already accumulated is impossible.

You are at the beginning of your journey. Don’t rush to “choose a resource”! Melanoma most often occurs in people who spend a lot of time in the sun. Those who got a lot of sunburn in their teens or up to 30 years of age are at risk. Be careful about your birthmarks.

Первые признаки меланомы

Signs of their rebirth:

  • color change;
  • increase in size;
  • thickening;
  • appearance of an inflammatory rim after trauma;
  • appearance of cracks;
  • bleeding;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • tingling.

It is not necessarily a malignant disease. But you have to rush to the oncodermatologist. If only so that you don’t get further scared. Maybe it’s not melanoma at all. In addition, the tumor can be cured in 100 percent of cases at early stages. But if the disease is neglected, treatment becomes much more difficult.

Other causes of malaise

In the fall, illnesses can be caused not only by an overdose of solar radiation. They can also be caused by the so-called meteorological syndrome. There is an adaptation, restructuring of the body. Unstable sunshine, atmospheric pressure fluctuations, temperature fluctuations, changes in magnetic field – all this affects how we feel.

In summer, we move more, go out into the fresh air. In the fall, we are locked in a warm, often poorly ventilated rooms, and even in warm clothes. Such a sudden change disturbs the balance, weakens the body, makes it more susceptible to disease.

The most common causes of health problems in a teenager

When to go to the doctor

I confess that I don’t like people who talk about their health all the time, calculating out in plain sight what’s good for them and what’s not. I’m one of those people who won’t bother the doctors for no reason, but will try to overcome their ailments themselves.

But we live in a difficult environment. And there are a lot of hidden illnesses that are easier to treat while they are not neglected. How do you know when something is wrong and you should seek medical help from a specialist?

A very good book by N.B. Korostelev “From A to Z”, dedicated to the health problems of young people, lists changes in the body that should alert and become a signal of alarm:

  • decreased visual and hearing acuity;
  • all kinds of skin changes (yellowing, rashes, pustules, spots), itching (you want to scratch yourself all the time);
  • sharp unpleasant breath (do not wait until someone tells you about it, put your palm in front of your mouth, sharply exhale and inhale – is there a smell?);
  • persistent sweating;
  • recurrent nausea, prolonged lack of appetite;
  • lacrimation, red eyes, swollen eyelids;
  • hair brittleness, baldness, hair loss;
  • lethargy, drowsiness, desire to lie down longer, not moving, sleep disturbances;
  • changes in character, constant agitation, irritability.

I’m not talking about more serious cases.

To end this article, I hope that self-care, taking care of your health will not be a burden for you. Everything will be rewarded with vigor and efficiency. May you feel “no strength” only when you are very old … May you have enough of them for everything you have planned!

Ask me your question in comments and I’ll answer you! And also watch a really useful video.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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