Signs of STDs, and ways to protect yourself from STDs

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Vaginal discharge with a pungent odor is one of the symptoms of STDs. Other signs of STDs are lower abdominal pain, itching in the genitals, painful masses on them, burning or pain during urination, body rash. Of course, you can get cold if you walk in mini and thin tights in freezing winter. And then there will also be soreness. But een diseases are not blown by the wind. They are caused by pathogens transmitted from person to person. Do you know exactly how many partners your boyfriend has had before you? Maybe he’s lost count himself. What has he already “caught,” treated, healed, or has that which cannot be cured? It is believed that if a person has had more than eight sexual partners, he is 100% guaranteed to have AIDS. But I think this is an outdated statistic.


AIDS – acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – is an insidious disease that affects the body’s immune, defense system. As a result, a person can die from a simple cold. He just can’t recover. “The plague of the twentieth century” is spreading rapidly around the world. According to WHO, more than 5,000 people are infected with the virus every day. In 1993, of 14 million carriers of the virus in the world, 7 million lived on this continent (or traveled to other countries). And 1.2 million Africans have already died from the same virus. The best medical professionals of all countries are rushed to the fight against AIDS, because the incidence of the disease is of a global pandemic nature.

Huge amounts of money are spent. A lot of propaganda work is carried out. For example, in the U.S. in May 1988, a new brochure on AIDS was printed in 108 million copies and sent to every home. But there is no panacea. The only person who can save you is yourself. Of course, infection can occur by injection, by blood transfusion, that is, through the fault of unscrupulous doctors. And yet, most often – because of promiscuity in sexual relations. The first and main route of transmission is sexual.

Signs of STDs, and ways to protect yourself from STDs

The main focus is now on AIDS. People’s caution about other “diseases of behavior” has waned. And the number of venereal diseases is increasing catastrophically. Doctors used to count five of them. Now there are 26. Those “classic” ones gave acute pain, other obvious symptoms. New proceed without sharp painful sensations, at first do not seem to make themselves felt. And later on… The clinical picture of earlier known diseases changes, new variants of course arise, in particular, latent, lethargic ones. A sick person may have no external signs of the disease, may not even guess about it and at the same time be a source of disease transmission.

In all countries, physicians have noted a sharp increase in disease among young people, especially those aged 15-19 years. Today, up to 80 percent of illnesses are caused by commercial workers. However, this figure does not quite correspond to reality. After all, it is counted patients, those who sought help from doctors. There are many more who have not. The same girls who are bought for the night just for dinner in a restaurant.

Women in general are more vulnerable. Sexually transmitted diseases last six times longer and are more severe than those of men. The same AIDS virus is more often transmitted from a man to a woman than vice versa. Every minute two women in the world are infected. But those who have money can have plenty of women, too. And then there’s the drinking. Alcohol has been found to be extremely conducive to the development of the insidious virus.

Not to mention drugs when injected with one dirty syringe. The vast majority of venereal diseases, especially untreated or neglected ones, lead to infertility. And infertility is a very common cause of divorce. Even if many years have passed since the youthful carelessness, you have to answer to the husband who wants a child and the wife can’t give birth. Or vice versa. The man can also be responsible for the lack of heirs.

How do I protect myself from STDs?

How to protect yourself? A condom has always been considered one of the means. In some countries, every man is given a certain number of small bags free of charge every month. If you are not sure about your partner, your best bet is not to have sex with him at all and to look for someone else. And you should have condoms, too.

Signs of STDs, and ways to protect yourself from STDs

There are medicinal preparations for prophylaxis. They are hibitan, cidepol, meristomine. The same hibitan will protect you from possible trouble if you use it within 1.5 hours after sexual intercourse.

What to do if you can’t protect yourself?

If, however, the time is missed… and even suspicious symptoms appear, you have to go to the doctor. The skin and venereal dispensary has long reported to work and family. However, it can be expensive, so you should have a financial cushion and patience to complete the course of treatment. It is significantly reduced compared to the past.

Even syphilis can be cured in 2-3 weeks as an outpatient.

Only the “socially unadapted,” such as underage prostitutes or vagrants, are institutionalized. If you follow the recommendations of a qualified doctor and use the prescribed medications, the reliability of cure is almost one hundred percent. If not, an under-treated disease can lurk and make itself known later in a completely unexpected and most unpleasant way.

Signs of STDs, and ways to protect yourself from STDs

Recently, new treatments have been coming from the West, where syphilis or gonorrhea can be cured with 1-2 injections. However, not all of our doctors know what kind of medicine is needed. And citizens know where to get the necessary ones (as well as the significant amounts of money to pay for them). Another circumstance: STDs often “walk in pairs” and even in large numbers. Therefore, diagnosis is difficult and so is prescribing a course of treatment. A laboratory examination is necessary, which is not always available.

The innovations of our life are new diseases, new medicines, new prices of medical services. But a classic is a classic: “Beware of casual sex!

You can ask your question in comments and they will definitely help you! I will always be there, if anything.

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