What a girl’s hair color says

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One of the symbols of female beauty has always been hair. It was believed to contain a special attraction. In ancient times, people were often deprived of their whole body hair before torture and execution, believing that by doing so they deprived them of some kind of power. Consider what the color of a girl’s hair says today.

How fast does the hair grow?

There are 100 to 150 thousand hairs on an adult’s head. The thickness, beauty, and speed of hair growth varies from person to person. Hair grows from the root, as if extending from the skin. During one day – on the average by 0,32-0,40 mm, that is from 0,96 to 1,24 cm per month and by 12-18 centimeters per year.

It is interesting to note that hair grows in periodic cycles, each cycle consisting of an active period of growth lasting usually 2-3 years, a one- to two-week transition period, and a rest period that may last several months. They do not grow synchronously, so there are hairs in different stages of growth in the scalp.

What a girl's hair color says 

The daily loss of 40-60 hairs is considered normal. New hairs grow in their place. In spring and autumn there is more hair loss (what can you do, it’s a natural habit of molting), but it also grows more. If more of them fall out, but new ones are not in a hurry to grow and hair is obviously thinning, it means that it is necessary to take measures.

How the character is reflected in the hair

It turns out that hair can tell a lot about a person himself, about his character and state of health. In our time, the science of biopsycho-aesthetics, which reflects on the relationship between appearance and health, character, is being formed. This science believes that appearance depends on a person’s inner state.

For example, how hair reflects his character:

  • direct – determined, resolute;
  • docile – compliant, soft;
  • Curly hair suggests emotionality, short temperedness;
  • If curly in ringlets, it means breadth of soul.

Hair color can also tell us a lot about a person. Natural, of course, and not the result of transformations with dyes.


If a girl has red hair, she is stubborn and angry. She has a penchant for sports and an ambitious desire to win. If her face is square, she can be an excellent motorist and master any male occupation. If her face is oval and feminine, she has poetic ability, or even talent.

What a girl's hair color says 

She is undiplomatic and intolerant. Often acts passionately and risky, without admitting compromise. Due to the contradictory nature of the character can be generous and even gentle. When they loose their beautiful red hair (which cuts rarely and reluctantly), then born in them such a magnetic vibe, against which it is impossible to resist.

No one is indifferent to her. She is either hated or adored. She often treats men with contempt. By virtue of the nature and temperament of it can suit the energetic tall brown or brunette.

Likes blue, green, black and white colors. Loves birds and animals. Loves the lively maelstrom of life around her. With all due respect to family ties, they are not the main thing for her. She is a business person, she is easy to cooperate with. An excellent leader in any endeavor.


The brown-haired girl is always lively, cheerful and smart. Loves to travel. Can learn almost everything – and very quickly. Capable, hard-working, and most importantly, level-headed.

What a girl's hair color says

She has many friends. She is a great conversationalist and is beloved in society. However, deep down, she is quite reserved and knows how to guard her interests. The brown haired one is a bit secretive. In white-skinned more soft and sentimental.

Her tastes are almost always broad and varied, she has a good sense of self. She takes care of her health and looks after herself.

If she has dark eyes, she prefers technical professions, if blue-eyed – humanitarian, such as applied arts, literature. If the brown-haired woman is short – can make a career as a dancer, if tall and slender – the best of secretaries.


Blonde is most often modest, kind and gentle. Can be dreamy and melancholic, sometimes capricious. In relationships with men is rather passive, although very loyal in love. She often cries, knowing full well that tears are to her face. And she lies quite often and easily. True, without guile. As if wishing to rectify or embellish the situation.

What a girl's hair color says 

She is not very efficient and does not care much for the cause. But if she has a good leader, she is also an excellent worker. But she has no ambition. She’s almost idealistic in life. In addition, sentimental. Loves the soft pastel colors, snow, clouds and poetry.

If a man is brown or brunette, can safely have a relationship with a blonde. And even serious. But do not forget: when the blonde says, “I love you” or “I do not love you,” it does not mean anything. She may very soon change her statement.


Brunette has a very strong, authoritarian and serious character. She is cunning, intelligent, and patient. Her mind is shrewd. Excellent at politics and diplomacy. All her projects and even difficult plans are sure to come to fruition – slowly but surely. Resistance only doubles her energy.

If she is white, she is a thrifty and economical housewife. If she’s dark-skinned, she’ll be smart enough to tone down her sensual fervor. But if she loves someone, she will give her life for him. Her shrewdness allows her to look past his evening tardiness. But if it becomes a serious threat to her, in a fit of jealousy, she will blow it all away. Even her head. Both his and her own.

What a girl's hair color says 

She dresses strictly and thoughtfully. Loves black and red colors. Does not tolerate large companies. Prone to solitude and hard work.

Often her marriage comes late, for the mind, willpower, and lack of coquetry often alert men, even frightening. But in vain: if the partner is brown, and especially blond with a soft and even shy character, their marriage is likely to have a happy future.

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