Recommendations on how to properly care for the eyebrows of a teenage girl

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Whether you wear glasses or not, eyebrows are very important for the expression of your eyes and face. There are also fashions for eyebrows: either they are plucked and then drawn with a pencil with thin lines, or they are left in their natural shape.

How the shape of the eyebrows affects the overall impression

Fashion is fashion, but keep in mind that the shape of the eyebrows depends on the overall expression of the face:

  • long, arched eyebrows make the face look sterner and more mature;
  • Short eyebrows, on the contrary, seem to rejuvenate the face;
  • Thin eyebrows give the face an unnaturally surprised look,  low, wide eyebrows give a face an angry look.

Recommendations on how to properly care for the eyebrows of a teenage girl

How to pluck your eyebrows properly

You may want to give your eyebrows a fashionable line or change your facial expression. More often it is just necessary to “clean up” them, that is to remove excess hairs.

Determining the beginning and the end of the eyebrow

To determine where the eyebrow begins, take a pencil and place it so that it touches both your nostril and the inner corner of your eye. And to determine where it ends, place the pencil diagonally from your nostril to the outer corner of your eye.

Reducing discomfort

When pulling hairs, you should first wash your hands well and disinfect your tweezers. I lubricate the skin in the area of eyebrows with a greasy cream. Then it does not hurt so much, and it is easier to remove hairs. Then it is necessary to wipe off the cream and pass a absorbent cotton soaked in some disinfectant, for example, alcoholic tincture of marigold or boron alcohol.

How to apply eyebrow makeup

If you want your eyebrows to look thicker or if you still need to correct their shape, don’t paint over them all in one solid line – it would be ugly. Apply a few thin strokes with a pencil to imitate hairs. The color pencil choose the one that suits you, but a tone darker than hair. And do not forget that the final shape of the eyebrows should be given by combing them with a small brush.

Be sure to take off your eye makeup at the end of the day. Washing with soap is effective, but harmful. It is better to put some fat cream or vaseline on a cotton pad. Mascara and shadows dissolve and come off well.

Recommendations on how to properly care for the eyebrows of a teenage girl

How to care for your eyebrows

It often happens that eyelashes begin to fall out and become thin and brittle. It depends not only on the influence of the colors, but also on the general condition of the body. Maybe it’s caused by a disease (an ophthalmologist can prescribe treatment, hydrocortisone ointment is often enough), or maybe it’s a lack of vitamins, especially vitamin A.

I always at night lightly lubricate my eyelashes and eyebrows with castor oil. Sometimes I make lotions of strong tea, chamomile for 15-20 minutes.

For brilliance in the eyes need self-confidence and cheerfulness. If they are somewhat weakened at the moment, and the shine is still needed, press lightly with your fingertips for three seconds on the inner corner of the eye. Repeat three times. That’s what the women of the Land of the Rising Sun do. And their eyes always shine.

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