A step-by-step guide on how to determine your color type and why you need it

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Depending on the color of hair, eyes, skin and many other factors, everyone represents a unique set of colors and shades – this set of features is called a person’s color type. All over the world they use the so-called “seasonal” method, which divides all people into cold colortypes (“summer” and “winter”) and warm colortypes (“autumn” and “spring”). If you don’t know how to determine your color type, an outside observer – your mother or girlfriends – can help you.

The process of determining a color type

First of all, you should wash your face, that is, you should not have any decorative cosmetics on your face. This should be done in sufficient daylight, sitting in front of a large mirror. In electric light, and especially in the light of fluorescent lamps, the colors change somewhat. It is necessary to look closely at oneself.

The handkerchiefs of peach and pink are alternately placed on the face. How do you distinguish these two colors? The pink one has a little bit of coldness-blue, and the peach one has a warm reddish tone, with a little yellowing. If the face looks better with peach color, then the girl belongs to the conditional group of warm colors (“spring” and “autumn”), and if a coldish pink color is more suitable, then she belongs to the group of cold colors (“winter” and “summer”).

A step-by-step guide on how to determine your color type and why you need it

It is also necessary to find out to which particular group one belongs in cold or warm tones. If you put yourself in the cold group, take handkerchiefs or something like that: bright pink, black and bright yellow (“winter”); calm pink, burgundy and bluish steel (“summer”). And if to a group of warm colors – grass-green, lime-yellow and bright blue (“spring”); olive, yellow-ochre and deep blue-green (“autumn”). Applying the six colors of your group – cold or warm – alternately to your face, you can determine which three work best. These three colors will give you the answer as to which group is yours.

How to dress and color properly

Look at the chart to see which colors turn out to be the most advantageous for you. Don’t feel bad if one doesn’t work for you. There are plenty of others! And why make yourself worse? You have to remember that the tone group also applies to cosmetics. When choosing colors of nail polish, eye shadow, lipstick, and blush, keep your color group in mind. After all, your makeup should match the colors of your face and clothes. I hope that after my lessons, based on foreign researches, you won’t ask to buy you the same apricot blouse, as your girlfriend has. Now, hopefully, you understand that this color suits her well and you don’t.

What colors do men like?

If you’re wondering what colors men like or, conversely, do not like, different experts on clothing and fashion say different things, naming different colors. Thus, some say that yellow repels, while others say that this color inspires confidence and optimism. Don’t some men need confidence to approach a woman they like?

Apparently, Carlton Wagner, who studied color and its effect on people in different situations, understood the matter best. He advises that when a woman wants to attract a man’s attention, a palette of bright colors or a mysterious black garment with red accessories – a shawl, a belt, shoes, etc. – can help her.

A step-by-step guide on how to determine your color type and why you need it

How to combine colors

Besides, the color combination of red and black is classic. I remember as a child my grandmother taught me the color combinations of a good tone. It is believed that white goes with any color. Black does too, but not with darker tones. Yellow, red, green and beige are good with brown. Red is combined with a dark blue, black, dark blue – with gray, light yellow, blue. Blue goes with pink, dark blue and lemon. Ash color looks good with red, cornflower, bluish-green. Green combines with brown and light yellow. Lilac benefits from the neighborhood of black, brown and yellow.

It is necessary to avoid combinations of burgundy with red, dark blue with olive, dark blue with dark purple and dark brown with black. These days, the original fashion combinations can be the most unexpected, such as green with blue or yellow with white. And yet, you should think before you combine things into a set: will they look good next to each other?

How to achieve color harmony

In both art and dressmaking, color harmony can be achieved in two ways: by tone and by color. A tonal combination means that the clothes and their complements must be of different tones of the same color. In the case of a coloristic solution, different contrasting colors are combined, harmonically combining with each other.

Of course, much depends on your taste, mood and temperament. Usually warm colors are combined with cool colors, while two cool colors or two warm colors (such as red and yellow) should not be combined. It is not good to combine two saturated colors. They are usually combined with softer and lighter colors. Although bright colors are popular in youth fashion, good taste suggests limiting yourself to two, at most three colors in one suit, or shades of the same color.

A step-by-step guide on how to determine your color type and why you need it

A special mention should be made of the fact that you should avoid combinations of patterns, for example, a skirt in a check and a blouse in a flower. If one thing has a pattern, the others should be monochrome. It is true that there is a special chic when a set is made in which there can be stripes and polka dots or polka dots with a flower. But these are so-called companion fabrics, when both the background and the pattern are made in exactly the same colors: on a blue background, for example, white polka dots and a piece with white stripes on the exact same blue.

Other nuances

A costume is not complete unless the extras are chosen. It’s hard for me to give advice “in general,” because each case dictates its own. If you go to the beach, you can not take a small handbag embroidered with beads – it will get covered with sand. In addition it will not fit terry towel and bathing suit. Better to take something else. And flip-flops are better for the beach than patent leather stiletto pumps. Always remember: nothing should be too much.

With the help of clothing elements can soften a little bit the impression of the appearance of the person. For example, women and girls who are prone to harshness, reticence, if they want to correct the situation, should choose soft, rounded collars, vivid contrasts of light and bright colors, small folds or ruffles on blouses, colored stockings, light gloves, elegant shoes. For coquettish blushing chokers, there should be less ruffles, flounces, printed variegated designs on a blouse or a scarf, a shawl.

Ask your questions in comments and I will answer you! Also, watch a helpful video on the topic below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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