Tips on how to dress for a job interview for a woman to get the job you want

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No matter how we argue against it, but still meet by the clothes. And a businesswoman’s appearance, her clothes determine success to a much greater extent than for men. It turns out that this is a whole science, which could be called “clothing for success. Her main lesson: the right choice of clothing can greatly help a woman (or man) succeed at work and in his personal life. Let’s talk about how to dress for a job interview for a woman to make a good impression. In this case, I rely on the provisions of the recognized American expert in the field of business dress, J. T. Molloy, set forth in the book “Women’s Clothes for Success.

The main rules

Two things are unacceptable for a businesswoman: confusing her place of work with a place of entertainment or her own home. In the first case, it is inappropriate to adorn yourself with bright outfits. In the second – to wear the same skirt for weeks. Neither extreme will do any good. Rule of thumb: neglecting your closet can cost you your career.

You need to dress in the style of the job or position you’re applying for. There was a case of a young businesswoman in a secretarial position who dreamed of a promotion. In doing so, she never once considered the fact that none of the women at whose level she dreamed of getting promoted allowed herself to walk around in slacks and a sweater thrown over her shoulders with the sleeves tied over her chest.

Tips on how to dress for a job interview for a woman to get the job you want 

How to choose an outfit

It is believed that trouser suits, pants, sweaters, dresses with a large pattern declare to everyone the complete absence of ambition in a woman. And very bright colors —- about disregard for others.

I always say that before you dress, you need to think about who you have to meet and what you need to do. I always have to know if it will be a man or a woman, approximately their age. For example, older people may be annoyed by bright makeup or some extravagance in their clothing. Younger ones can be won over by more fashionable clothes and so on, but don’t be jealous of women who aren’t too old. Remember, until you yourself make an effort to improve and advance yourself, no one else will.

Business suit

Did I tell you how some of my foreign language students, the ones who are already working as translators for companies, dress? They wear expensive imported suits. Because a good suit with a skirt is necessary for businesswomen in the workplace. It underlines the businesslike, authoritative and high standard of living. It is better to choose a solid natural color fabric and colors – navy blue, gray, medium blue, light gray, dark brown, reddish brown, beige. A snow-white blouse is best with the suit (there can be another one, but without unnecessary frills and flounces).

Dress and skirt

Generally speaking, a dress is considered a true woman’s garment. However, I recently read a piece that said that some reputable American firms do not allow a dress: only a suit or skirt with a silk blouse. Perhaps the organization or firm you are going to work for will be less strict and dress will be acceptable.

But remember that bright dresses with patterns like large flowers, Persian patterns, fruits, sailboats, etc. – are for secretaries. Even in the summer it is better to wear dark dresses in those colors that have already been listed. If you want something light, it could be a suit with a light skirt. Superminis are excluded.

Tips on how to dress for a job interview for a woman to get the job you want


A blazer is especially good in a business suit. It should be pure wool, preferably dark blue or brown. It can be worn with a matching skirt or dress. Clothing with a blazer is indispensable for short thin women, it gives them authority and significance.


A raincoat or coat should always cover the skirt. A woman can wear a coat of almost any color, but a black coat makes a more serious impression. There is an expression among Americans that translates literally, “How much are you in black?” and implies, “How prestigious are you?” Black is the color of elegance and can be combined with almost all other colors, just like with white.


Shoes are also preferably black or other dark colors. These are pumps with a heel of about 4 centimeters, high heels are not for business style. These are for evening events. And remember: shoes are not worn without stockings! In firms, it is believed: if a woman, even in severe heat without stockings, she is on her way to dismissal. Business women in Europe prefer stockings and tights flesh-colored, American – black. Tights with any pattern for business style are excluded. Of course, there should be no holes and darns, because men often look at the head and then the legs. The French say: “Better a wrinkle on the face than on the stocking.

What hairstyle for a job interview

Do you remember the curious American film “Businesswoman”? How did the main character of the movie start her career? She trimmed her luxurious mane, which was sticking out in all directions and waving down her back. Her hair became as long as her earlobe.

Her hair shouldn’t look like a boy’s or a man’s, but long loose hair isn’t exactly appropriate for duty, either. Your hair should not be distracting with excessive curls and curls. You can do something like that for the appropriate occasion. In a business setting hair should be braided into a “French” plait, tied into a ponytail, pinned in an elegant knot or bun, styled “shell”.

Is jewelry and watches appropriate

In the same movie, the boss makes a snide remark about the new employee’s jewelry. And she runs to the bathroom to remove the shiny clips in the form of lush flowers and numerous bracelets.

Tips on how to dress for a job interview for a woman to get the job you want 

For a businesswoman, the less jewelry, the better. Plus, they should be solid, not dyed plastic. As the man John T. Molloy says, “Instead of buying four or five pieces of jewelry a year, it’s better to buy one nice, expensive piece that really suits you. Or as my mother used to say, “You mentally put all that shiny bling on one scale and a gold ring on the other. What’s going to pull it over?” An acquaintance of mine used to say, “Better nothing at all than something cheap.”

I, for one, like to wear several rings that match each other. But I do not classify myself as a businesswoman. And experts recommend them to wear no more than one. When a woman is married, it is, of course, a wedding ring. If a ring with a stone, then it should not be very large and protruding. Psychologists say that such rings suggest partners to think about the predatory nature of the woman, that she allegedly wants to get a large share of the deal.

As for the watch, it is not an ornament, but a necessary attribute. They should be simple, small in size and somewhat similar to a man’s.

How to choose makeup

In modern life, you can’t do without makeup. Americans say that the lack of makeup on the face shows a lack of respect for others. Whether it suits you or not, mascara, blush and a little lipstick are a must. With clean healthy skin, of course. But in this case, remember J.T. Molloy’s observation, “Only circus clowns wear bright makeup. The whole world loves clowns, but does not give them responsible assignments in the business world. The best makeup is the one no one notices.”

Like cheap costume jewelry, flashy cosmetics form a subconscious attitude of being a cheap, empty-nester woman. You know, like that shiny balloon hanging on the Christmas tree. It’s beautiful, but what’s its price? And it doesn’t last long.

Do I need a manicure?

Your hands should be fine. But that doesn’t mean that you have to let your nails be as long as yours and have to change their coverage every night. If they pick up a secretary, they want her to work with office equipment. And how to type quickly, and without mistakes?

When I have to work on the computer, I cut my nails shorter. Otherwise I accidentally snag neighboring keys and get a lot of mistakes. Mistakes and blunders really annoy the bosses. Understand that the image of the company or organization suffers, and do not grumble when forced to redo over and over again poorly typed. So, the length of the nails should be very moderate, not interfering with work, and the color of nail polish – not bright, the best colorless, flesh-colored or light pink. Here, however, the danger of dissonance with the color of lipstick lurks.

Choosing eau de toilette

Perfume should be subtle and expensive, but in the job its smell should be almost imperceptible. However, if you’re just going to get a job, use an unscented deodorant. By wearing perfume, a woman who may actually be highly qualified and a good worker may lose out, as the male HR manager may not like the way she smells.

This is evidenced by a recent experiment. The negative feelings of the men involved may be due to their perception that perfumed women are trying to manipulate them. Perfume may also imply that the woman is advertising her body rather than her intellect. Result: In that test, perfumed women were rated lower than their counterparts who did not use perfume in almost every category, including intelligence, cordiality, modesty, readiness for certain activities, and even in terms of attractiveness.

Other trivia

Now about glasses. Some women are very worried that frames spoil their face. But there is nothing only good or only bad. If you look at it from the perspective of business authority, it is this small detail that can add seriousness and businesslikeness to a woman’s appearance at work.

Tips on how to dress for a job interview for a woman to get the job you want 

Just don’t wear dark or smoky glasses at work. As studies have shown, a woman wearing tinted glasses is not trustworthy. Therefore, no matter how fashionable or even chic dark or smoky glasses are, a businesswoman will hardly wear them.

To create the image of a businesswoman, even such things as, for example, a bag or a writing pen matter. In the past, an attaché case was considered necessary. Now more often you see women with a leather folder and a shoulder bag. It is good if they are made of the same material or at least the same color. Under no circumstances should a businesswoman use cheap ballpoint pens. Her pen should not fall apart in her hands or suddenly stop writing. The most impressive is a fountain pen with a solid gold or gold-plated nib.

All these recommendations are for the future. And how to dress, going on a “lookout” in the firm? It is best to wear a business suit in navy blue, dark gray or, if it is summer, in beige. A blouse, preferably white. The skirt in a suit or separately (a skirt and a blouse of the same color are possible) should not be very short (though some of our firmmen demand from applicants to send their photos in a bathing suit. It’s clear why they need girls. It’s not for you). Shoes, pumps, and obligatory stockings or tights. A little makeup. For solidity, take your folder with you.

Ask your questions in comments and I’ll tell you! Also watch the helpful video below.

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