What is the best perfume for young girls

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So we’re talking about perfume… It is they that complete your “cosmetic image”, giving a special charm. Since ancient times people have tried to decorate their lives, including scents: for example, they burned pleasantly smelling plants in their caves and then in their temples. Each ancient deity had his “personal” fragrant plant: Buddha – frankincense, Astarte – myrrh, Venus – myrtle, Athena – olive, Apollo – laurel. Gradually, incense moved from temples to the homes of ordinary people. What can you do, life is life: the priests brought out fragrant oils so that their women could be as fragrant as the goddesses. Let’s consider what perfume is suitable for young girls and how to use them correctly to look attractive.

From the history of spirits

In ancient times, incense was so popular that entire civilizations could build their wealth on growing trees and shrubs that produced aromatic resins and exporting aromatic products to many countries. One such civilization was the Sabaean. And ancient Yemen, which flourished, was called Happy Arabia, because here, as it might have seemed from the outside, fragrances spilled out, making life easy and pleasant.

I have to tell you, the Middle East has long been much more “cultured” than Europe. Take the same incense. Medieval Europe smelled bad. And not just because there were no sewers for a long time. People at that time were wary of washing their bodies, because it was believed that all diseases come from water.

It is known, for example, that Frederick Barbarossa, the great Holy Roman Emperor, had lice in his beard. Or here is a surviving note from Henry of Navarre to his beloved Gabrielle d’Estrees: “Don’t wash, darling, I’ll be at your place in three weeks.” The fact is that the fashion of the time believed that the more scents mixed, the more seductive. And the court alchemists tried their best, believing that the more contrasting components of perfume, the better, and mixed infusion levkoyi with dried crushed frogs or boiled rose petals in half with horse manure.

история духов в римской империи

The art of composing fragrance compositions has since moved far ahead. The impetus was the desire of every noble lady to have a perfume different from all others. There was and is a reason for this: a woman’s image had to be remembered by the sense of smell. Smells, you know, are a powerful means of manipulating personality. Some peoples have passed on from mother to daughter the secrets of scents with which a woman forcibly married off to an unloved man, forcing him to give herself up. But passed on the secrets and those scents, which were used by the same woman to delight a desirable man. It is known that the smell of black pepper, cardamom, jasmine stimulate male potency. Isn’t that why Napoleon’s wife Josephine chose jasmine as her favorite scent? Her letters always had this most sexy fragrance. Fragrant pages the great commander wore on his chest.

The power of scent over a man is enormous. Sometimes it was ridiculous. So, in 1770 English Parliament unanimously passed a law which said: “Every woman, whatever her age, origin and rank, every woman, whether married, widow or maiden, who from the date of the approval of this law will, by perfume, rouge, lipstick, false braids and boots with heels to induce any subject of His Majesty to marry, will be punished as a liar. Especially every proposal made by a man whose senses have been drugged by spirits should be considered invalid.”

What are pheromones

The scents emanating from men also have a very strong effect on women, and are perceived more acutely. Women pay incomparably more attention to them than to men’s clothes, hair and so on. Modern studies show that more than 70% of men and women consider smell to be the main factor of sexual attractiveness.

It turns out that there is a small “love antenna” in the human nostrils, no bigger than a grain, capable of picking up the smell that comes from the human body to attract the opposite sex. In the animal world, from butterflies to humans, there are smells released by one living thing to influence the behavior of another. These are called pheromones.

So-called sex attractants are especially potent. You know English, right? Remember, there’s a verb there called “tu ettract”? That’s right, it translates as “to attract. And attractants do not have a tangible smell, they act on a subconscious level. This increases their influence on human behavior.

However, there is the opposite – repellents, substances that cause a sense of anxiety, panic, discomfort. Experts say that one of the reasons for the fragility of urban marriages is the spoiled sense of smell of city dwellers, as well as their heavy odor “radiation” caused by crowding and the stress of work.

феромоны и репелленты в индустрии духов

Unpleasant natural smells can also be the result of unkemptness or health problems. Digestive and nervous system disorders, nasopharyngeal and dental diseases can also affect you.

How much to perfume

Unpleasant odors are unlikely to be blocked. Strong perfume fragrances cause irritation to others. The fact is that the body, hearing a strong smell with a synthetic component, signals the brain about the violations in the environment. Hence the negative attitude towards the “strongly perfumed object”. That is why perfume should be a little. And in the summer and spring, less than in the cold season. Less in the morning than in the evening.

It is believed that perfume is intended for the evening, while a lighter toilet water is enough in the morning and during the day. Indoors, especially where there are a lot of people, the smell of perfume can have a suffocating gas effect (remember pre-conscription classes?). At work, the scent should be subtle. Afterwards, it can be stronger, but again in moderation.

How to choose a perfume

I once read that “smells are heavy and light, stuffy and cheerful, disturbing and intoxicating, gloomy and festive, deafening and subtle; smells that cast a leering glance, and smells that are open-ended; smells of birth and death, brotherhood and hostility, freedom and captivity, joy and longing; smells of morning, evening, night, moon, sun, stars… forest, field, tropical, river, sea, air, stone… smells of thunder and silence, lightning and darkness…”.

сколько нужно духариться духами

Nowadays perfumers have more than five thousand aromatic substances. Of these, about 400 are given by Nature and the rest by Chemistry. It is not easy to create new perfumes. But they appear from year to year, delighting those who use them and those who invent them.

But how do you find your own? Choosing a perfume is not an easy task. You need to take into account many factors. For example, different peoples have their own preferences for smells. Northerners prefer cool, austere scents (if you can, remember the perfumes of the Baltic factory “Dzintars”), and southerners like to smell “bright”, juicy, thick, with a spicy touch.

In our case with you, we can say that perfume is also chosen with regard to where you are going. I, for example, have a Christian Dior “business” perfume. They seem to me “austere” and not disposing to… But J’Osee is another matter. For me, as a woman who is over… 20 years old, they are suitable for “business” meetings. They have sensual notes.

Perfumers believe that seductive fragrances come from the addition of jasmine, cardamom and nutmeg to perfumes. But the main components of expensive and lasting perfumes are musk and ambergris. And yet you, my dear, I do not advise you yet to use perfumes like J’Ose. Their mood is not suitable for a young girl. Such a smell is almost ridiculous to you. Light, green, floral directions suit you for your age.

And the perfume should not necessarily take the French, it should match your character. For example, if a girl tends to loneliness, if she feels good alone with nature, she is suitable scent that resembles the scent of leaves. If she is “easy on the rise”, loves communication, leads an active lifestyle, experts recommend her fruity scents. If her mood changes frequently – it is better to prefer floral or oriental fragrances. The correspondence of smells to the type of character not only emphasizes it, but also improves her mood.

When choosing a perfume, be careful. Do not be confused by the spectacular packaging, unusual name or the raptures of friends. Perfume should suit you, not someone. And the same they smell different on different people. Perfume gets its real smell twenty minutes after you put it on your body.

Don’t use it on just one spot. Just a little bit where the blood pulses: behind the ears, on the curves of the elbow and hands, on the neck. The heroine of one novel strangled her eyebrows. And another made sure that the fragrance enveloped her entire body in an invisible plume. That trail should be light, light. Don’t pour half a bottle on yourself – such a strong smell can give you and others a headache.

How many vials to have at home

Should a woman always have the same perfume or can it be changed? The fact is that certain smells help “photograph” memories. For example, when I smell boxwood heated by the sun in our botanical garden, I immediately remember the Crimea and the happiness it gave us. When I pick up the already empty bottle of Lehr du Tam, I remember someone close to me… So a man will never forget the fragrance of the perfume of the woman he loves. And every time he hears them, memories of her will come to him. So, for meetings with Him, let you have the same perfume.

сколько духов должно быть дома у девушки

Why do I stop liking the smell of my favorite toilet water?

Sometimes a favorite fragrance can stop liking it and even become annoying. Why would that be? Perfume, eau de toilette can get old and have a heavy, unpleasant smell. Smells change under the influence of medications you take or smoking. During your period, a lot of things can be irritating, and the scents are usually perceived more acutely. The same result can occur in general when the nerves are strained. The natural smell of your skin, and therefore perfume, can change due to the consumption of spicy, spicy foods, onions, garlic, and alcohol. All this can make your favorite scent seem disgusting.

If a constant smell is bored, you can look for another. New perfume will lift your spirits, add optimism. You know the effect on a woman any new clothes. It seems that life was renewed together with the desired thing and there are a lot of good things ahead.

How to store a bottle of perfume

You should also know how to store your perfume properly. The best place for them is somewhere dark and cool. A sealed bottle can be put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Open bottle should not be placed on a window sill, in the sun or near a radiator.

And even when perfume is over, do not rush to throw away the bottle. Sometimes he himself – a work of art, and it can be poured over time other spirits, keeping before your eyes an elegant decoration of life (at least the dressing table or nightstand). And if you put an open empty bottle in a closet, it will give your clothes its light fragrance…

You can ask your question in comments and I will answer you! Also watch the helpful video below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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