Advice for teens on how to save and save money

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Do you sit at your books a lot and do very well in school? Why don’t you work as a language tutor? Even before the revolution, many students and gymnasium students moonlighted as tutors. We must put this “awkwardness” aside. Why should anyone believe that they have the right to exploit you? Knowledge has a price, too, and laziness must pay.

What to do in your spare time

Of course, the most important thing is to get an education and a good profession. But there is a lot of free time, which some people try to “kill”. And some turn it into money by moonlighting in one way or another.

The most common ones are especially in big cities:

  • car washing;
  • selling popular newspapers;
  • posting or handing out promotional materials by arrangement with a particular company.

Some sew stuffed animals for sale or knit socks. Others raise wavy parrots, hamsters or kittens. A variation is sprouting tomatoes or strawberries. In the summer, they offer their labor to weed the neighbor’s vegetable gardens. Money can also be received for walking the neighbor’s dog (the amount of remuneration depends on the duration of the “session”).

Now there will be more and more wealthy and at the same time very busy women who will be looking for help around the house and in child care. Why don’t a few girls set up their own firm providing just such services? If its employees are under 16 years old, then from such a firm and do not take taxes. And someone from the adults could at first help in the organization, say, with the legal registration.

Advice for teens on how to save and save money

The main thing is to want to work, and ideas will appear. With them will come money. Did you know that your American peers make a huge amount of money? For example, in 1990 it was $101 billion (in 1988 it was $89 billion). It was made up of the efforts and ingenuity of thousands and thousands of young men and women who learn to work, respecting every kind of work.

A girl’s test for thriftiness

For women, frugality is a very important quality. A lot depends on them in the family, at work, and in feeling well. Check yourself with this test:

  1. If you don’t have enough money, you:
    • a) cut costs immediately;
    • b) taking work home to earn extra money
    • c) you get into debt.
  2. All old things and furniture can be:
    • a) repair and repaint to look like new;
    • b) hand it over to a thrift store;
    • c) discard.
  3. You prefer not to get into debt because:
    • a) have to return them;
    • b) ashamed to ask;
    • c) forgetting to pay later.
  4. You don’t like to lend because:
    • a) you are afraid that the debt will not be returned;
    • b) others will realize that you are in financial trouble yourself;
    • c) you forget who and how much you gave.
  5. Seeing what I dreamed of all my life:
    • a) you go into the store, look at the goods from all sides, but, on reflection, decide that you can safely do without it;
    • b) buy after much thought;
    • c) you immediately run to the cashier to punch the check.
  6. Noticing the person you owe:
    • a) pay immediately;
    • b) you ask to wait, because you don’t have money yet;
    • c) avoiding it.
  7. You’ve been to the market:
    • a) often;
    • b) rarely;
    • c) almost never
  8. You keep an expense book:
    • a) required;
    • b) occasionally;
    • c) never.
  9. If you are presented with a gift, then this is for you:
    • a) wasting money;
    • b) fun;
    • c) habit.
  10. You didn’t travel abroad because:
    • a) it’s too expensive;
    • b) you like a sedentary lifestyle;
    • c) “you’re sitting on the rocks”.

Advice for teens on how to save and save money

Test results:

If most of your answers are in the “a” group, then you are very frugal. Every penny counts for you. But do not forget that money is a medium of circulation, not a collection.


If most of your answers are marked with the letter “b”, then you treat money with due respect. Besides, you know how to save money when you have to.


If most of your answers belong to the “c” group, then you really have a “merchant” scope. To squander like that, you have to move millions. Apparently you’re not getting out of debt. Think again before it’s too late.

How to manage money wisely

Already in our lives there is such a phenomenon as inflation. How can we save what we earn from depreciation? Business people advise not to keep our money at home or in a savings bank. Commercial banks do not inspire confidence in me either. Sometimes they disappear along with depositors’ money, sometimes the state helps them to “burst”.

It is better to transfer them into U.S. dollars or euros. And to use the services of exchange offices, not street money changers. How many cases of receiving fakes or “dolls”, when behind two real bills there is just a sliced paper, pulled by a rubber band.

Advice for teens on how to save and save money

Don’t lend money, especially for a long period of time. You will get back the same amount, but its purchasing power will be completely different. Money can be converted into tangible assets, leaving on hand only for current expenses. It is better to buy something that can be sold at any time, but at a new value, such as precious and semi-precious materials.

There is another way: don’t spend money on things that you can do yourself: for example, don’t invite a person from a service bureau to clean your apartment. But this also requires some knowledge and skill.

Ask your questions in comments and I’ll help you! Also, watch a helpful video on the topic below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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