Tips on how to dress fashionably and correctly for girls – high, low, full

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If you think about how to dress fashionably and correctly, then you are on the right track to look elegant. Let’s move on to the most difficult, but also the most important – to assess your own figure, its advantages and disadvantages. Consider how to emphasize the first and hide the second.

Why it is important to be able to assess yourself critically

Immediately I remembered one of the discos. In the lobby I saw a girl with a gorgeous bust. She was wearing a bright purple tank top with a stand-up collar and an American armhole, that is, sleeveless and heavily cut. It was stunning. I didn’t see anything else in that room anymore. Just this incomparable breasts.

I went looking for the dance hall. On my way back, I saw that girl again. This time from the back. A meticulous feminine look at her figure, I saw that her waist was a little low. But the defect was cleverly disguised. And hardly anyone, especially males, could pay attention to it, when such a breast, and even without a bra, covered with a thin jersey, sensually emphasizing the nipple and roundness of the form, reigned over literally everyone! Well, good for her: she was able to be critical of the rest: the low waist was camouflaged…

The concept of the ideal figure

It should be said at once that there are few perfect figures. However, this or that flaw is not difficult to hide, if you know some secrets. In different times the ideal was different. Nowadays, it is believed that the width of the shoulders should be equal to the width of the hips. The shoulders may even be a little wider. The length of the legs is ideally equal to the length of the torso. Longer legs are considered a special virtue. And, of course, less fat deposits anywhere.

Tips on how to dress fashionably and correctly for girls - high, low, full

What to wear tall and short

As for height, it’s better if it’s medium. Although it depends on how you look at it. Tall girls look great, almost everything suits them. Even for models and photomodels select applicants taller than 180 cm. But the problem is that with such a height it is more difficult to find a couple. Young people, unfortunately, most of them are younger than 180 cm.

Consequently, the smaller the height of the girl, the higher the probability of a larger number of suitors (it all depends on the temperament of the girl).

But being short also has its disadvantages. Haven’t you heard what they usually call short people? That’s right, it’s “short,” without having to say the name. Not all boys like “short.” They, especially when their own height allows, are attracted to tall “queens.

Tall girls often try to hide their height by slouching and sort of squatting, and it’s pathetic. And then they’re told: “Why are you bending? Straighten up! Indeed, let the undersized people feel uncomfortable. And if you’re tall, if you stay upright and walk beautifully, adds a special grace. In addition, one can afford a greater variety of styles, as well as mottled fabrics with large flowers or checks, broad transverse stripe, which should not be allowed for shorter people.

But it is easy to add growth to “small” due to high heels, and those who are already a lot, should give up the charming spike heels with a height of 12 cm and above. Growth can be visually reduced by “splitting” clothes across by contrasting combinations of “top” and “bottom”. For example, a dark skirt and a light blouse or vice versa. For girls of small stature it is better not to do this, but to prefer a dress or suit without contrasts “across”. You can add a few centimeters at the expense of the hair, then the problem is almost eliminated, if you observe the measure: the head should not seem too big.

Tips on how to dress fashionably and correctly for girls - high, low, full 

Experts advise: if a girl is too tall and thin, it is better to choose a checkered jacket with wide shoulders, a long coat, accessories (scarves, kerchiefs, scarves). A three-quarter length jacket with a mini-skirt could be a sexy piece of clothing for her. If a girl is very short, she needs a skirt and pants are not too short, and fewer accessories. Clothing sexy – covering the hips belted jacket and a modest long skirt.

How to dress overweight

Particular problems with clothes arise in obese people. But it happens that with a well-chosen ensemble can look very good.

It is best to choose sewn skirts and jackets, not knitted, which tighten the figure, emphasizing all the “excesses. Most of all, straight jackets that hide all the curves of the waist and hips. Long, slightly fitted jackets are very slender, especially single-breasted. Vertical row of buttons visually elongates the figure.

The same can be said about the best variant of the dress style: fitted, on the zipper from top to bottom, with a flared skirt. Flared emphasizes curves, skirt masks the sides, vertical clasp gives a slimness. Knitwear is possible in the form of a long vest or tunic, worn over a short straight skirt. This hides flaws above the waistline, while the figure is made slimmer by the length of the legs. Clothing sexy can be a blazer (a jacket-like sewn jacket) with a pleated skirt to the middle of the calf. Bright bijouterie is very appropriate here.

Tips on how to dress fashionably and correctly for girls - high, low, full

However, you must be careful in the choice of colors. A well-known rule: light makes you look fat, dark makes you look slim. Large bright colors attract too much attention. They are unacceptable in the “problem areas. Thus, pants in a large cage weight the abdomen, hips, upper legs and buttocks. A small inconspicuous pattern helps to “pull up” the figure. The best option is a thin vertical stripe or a small cage.

If you need fashion advice – write in comments and I will help you! Also, watch a helpful video on the topic below.

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Автор Елизавета Татарчук

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